Manage your anxiety and maintain business momentum during COVID-19
We were not mentally prepared for a global crisis!!!
If you are anything like me, you were over the moon excited about starting “2020”!!!
You probably had so many plans, expectations, dreams to be fulfilled.
Change can be really, really hard for some for high achieving professionals.
They are used to goal setting, planning, implementing and executing.
The global health crisis of 2020, is bringing up a lot of stress, anxiety and depression.
Mainly because, no one is mentally or emotionally prepared for managing a global health crisis.
How could you know how you’ll feel until it actually happens?
2020 was the year you planned to go BIG in your career and business!!!
Then COVID-19 (Coronavirus) happens and each day, you watch it inching closer; to you and your family.
A global health crisis is not only bad, because people are getting sick and dying, but the residual psychological and socio economic impact could be devastating for weeks, months or even years after.
Imagine going for that new job or promotion and your quest came to an abrupt halt.
Imagine planning your business launch or event for months, then having to cancel.
Imagine after steady building, your business is now bleeding, because it’s dependent on a thriving economy and the government.
And you also have to worry about...
You have bills to pay.
You have to make sure your family stays healthy.
You have to make sure you are okay emotionally, physically and financially.
Routines create calm in chaos.
Get your mind right, 2020 is not over until it’s over!!!
When things are up in the air and we have to deal with rapid changes by the day and even by the hour, we can feel really unstable.
Crisis can cause a major “mental health breakdown”. Besides witnessing the world going mad around you, there is the intense disappointment of cancelled events, trips plans and projects. This is not only stressful, it can lead to anxiety, panic and depression (especially if you were already going through personal challenges).
Routines are usually an icky word associated with being restricted and feeling bored.
However, routines give us a sense of control, keep us grounded, give us a sense of direction and even purpose.
The best way to adapt to the current global health crisis, is developing a new normal.
Mental Health Routines
Daily self-reflection of your thoughts and feelings. Cognitive Distortions can lead to catastrophic thinking. Don’t ignore your feelings. Schedule time for journal writing, meditation or talking about your true feelings with a trusted friend or colleague.
Practice compassion instead of frustration. Everyone expresses their concerns and anxiety differently. (i.e. irrational, panic shopping, excessive calls or emails) Listen with no judgement, be encouraging, provide updates, offer support if you can with clear boundaries.
Micro-goal setting for now. Create daily micro-goals for personal and work to get through the crisis. Break down tasks to 20 or 30 minutes if you can. Don’t quit on your goals just adjust how you do them.
What is your current routine for maintaining your mental health in your career?
Self-Care Routines
Fuel your body. Eat well and exercise. Plan out nutritious meals. If you’re working remote, cook at home. If you’re commuting for work, bring home made meals and snacks. Do low impact or high impact activities. (i.e. walking, stretching, yoga, dancing)
Rest and recharge. Listen to your body talk. Take 5-15 minute breaks throughout the day at least once every 2 hours. Set a night time routine for bed.
Protect your peace. Schedule time to do nothing. Tune out from distractions. Practice positive affirmations, gratitude, meditation, prayer. Read for inspiration.
What is your routine for maintaining your self-care?
(Read article Create a self-care plan for stress management )
Community Routines
Build your online business community. Join a social media group that has opportunities for virtual meetings and conversations, for professionals and entrepreneurs, where you can develop meaningful connections.
Nurture your online colleagues community. Spend time helping those in your community. Give support and add value if and when you can.
Re-connect your friend & family community. Video calls to your friends and family. This is the new normal and for good reason. Luckily we have the magic of technology.
What ways do you plan to manage networking while social distancing ?
Support Routines
Online Therapist
As more and more people are avoiding crowds, or practicing “social distancing” face to face therapy appointments WILL be canceled. Therapy offices will be closed.
You may be able to “function” during a crisis for a while, going through the motions, but eventually prolonged stress, develops into anxiety, depression, substance abuse, etc.
Working with an online therapist can provide you with convenience and safety.
They can help you identify ways to emotionally cope with the uncertainty and pressure of the unknown outcomes in your life and career.
When the global crisis is over, you will come out stronger and wiser.
Online Coach
You may have more free time on your hands, with all the events and trips being canceled.
This could be an opportunity to revamp, to create, develop or invent something new in your business, or for your business.
About The Author:
Seneca Williams, LMHC (Ask Coach Sen) is "The Entrepreneurs’ Therapist". She is an online therapist, speaker and international coach for entrepreneurs, ready to breakthrough business anxiety & beat business burnout so they can build businesses that match and replace their 9-5 income. The mission is to provide a mental health positive community, for women entrepreneurs, to cultivate "mental wealth" & conquer their business!